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2023-12-21 Source:

Himonia Water-Based Special Sealing Primer— The "Colour Guardian" for Wooden Floors

When coating wooden floors and furniture in light colours, you will often encounter a headache - wood bleed. The main reason for colour bleeding 

is that wood contains tannins, oils and pigments, etc. Such substances willpenetrate into the surface layer of wood when there are big changes

in the external environment (e.g. high temperature, high humidity), resulting in colourbleeding on the surface. So, is there a way to effectively 

solve this kind of problem? The answer is yes.

Himonia Water-Based Special Sealing Primer is a product specially designed to solve the discolouration and yellowing of wood caused by the above reasons. 

It has the following three main features:

1. Anti-bleeding colour

When painting light colours, it can effectively prevent the bleed caused by migration of wood pigments, and completely seal the pigments or oils with complex

chemical composition and different molecular weights and sizes, so as to protect the wood from bleed for a long time, which is safe and stable.

2.Flexible and easy operation mode

It can be applied by roller coating with high efficiency; it can also be applied by spraying to solve the problem of colour bleeding of shaped workpieces.

3.Effective for wood with high colour content.

It can  solve the disc bean (commonly known as: green stalk mulberry), red oak, Newton beans (commonly known as: hippopotamus) and other oil, 

pigmented wood to do water-based white background process when the problem of yellowing. We provide specialised solutions for this type of wood.

In the construction, there are some tips worth noting:

1. Use the appropriate amount of crosslinking agent (specifically according to the process requirements).

2. It is recommended that the coating amount reaches more than 40g/m2 (wet film) (specifically according to the material type and process requirements).

3. Do the cold colour coating process after the maintenance, and then finish the subsequent coating to achieve the best。

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