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2023-10-18 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Himonia Floor Coating Division | Successfully graduated from the annual employee training MDP class

In May 2023, the company assigned three employees, Zhejiang regional sales manager Xu Weidong, application service manager Wang Zhaoguo, and business assistant Sun Juan, to go to Shandong Taishan Management Training Institute to study the MDP middle-level manager capability improvement course.

Through six months of systematic learning, the three employees mastered management tools; improved their management skills; clarified the role of middle managers; and clarified their job responsibilities. Be clearer about the definition of job responsibilities and hierarchical relationships at the senior, middle and grassroots levels, think upward and be compatible downwards. Through effective authorization and incentives, the team will have a more sense of purpose and cohesion, so as to better achieve the team's common goals!

In the blink of an eye, the half-year study life is coming to an end. The middle-level managers of each company came to attend the graduation ceremony with their half-year study results. The graduation report was carried out nervously and orderly.

Xu Weidong, the company's Zhejiang regional sales manager, had the honor to deliver the graduation report on behalf of the team members. Manager Xu's outstanding performance won unanimous praise from Dean Chen Tianni and the guests present. Dean Chen also put forward suggestions for program improvement.

Zhejiang regional sales manager Xu Weidong gave a graduation report

Comments from Dean Chen Tianni of Taishan School of Management

During the graduation ceremony, Dean Chen Tianni delivered a speech. Dean Chen mentioned in his speech: As an on-the-job manager, the ultimate goal is to apply what you have learned, find ways and strategies while learning, and then review it weekly, monthly, and yearly to grow and discover the real problems at work. , learn to use tools, and in the process of finding the real problem, go faster and faster instead of going longer and longer.

At the end of his speech, Dean Chen issued graduation certificates to qualified students. Graduation is not the end of the voyage, but the beginning of a new journey to ride the wind and waves! I hope that after this period of study, the three employees will better utilize and apply the knowledge they have learned at work, achieve personal growth and transformation, and help the company develop healthily!

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