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2023-09-25 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Interactive communication | Promote development Jiangsu Himonia visits Nanjing Forestry University Home Furnishing College

On the afternoon of September 25, Ji Maojun, general manager of the company's floor coating division, and Chen Minggui, R&D manager, visited the School of Home and Industrial Design of Nanjing Forestry University to conduct a phased review meeting of the "Wood Modification and Paint Surface Treatment Project" with our academic partners. . He was warmly received by Professor Wu Yan, Teacher Feng Xinhao and the team.

Teacher Feng Xinhao's team introduced the research progress of the "Wood Modification and Paint Surface Treatment Project" that the two parties had previously cooperated with, and showed the research and development results. Based on market demand, customer requirements, product application and construction and other details, Haidian discussed the corresponding research and development results and determined the next research and development direction to ensure that the project is advanced faster and more accurately.

At the end of the project discussion, the two parties had an in-depth exchange of views on the new development direction of the wood floor coating market and customer needs. Nanjing Forestry University has profound scientific research strength and resource platform, and has close ties with the forestry industry; Himonia provides coating products and services for wooden floors, serves the front line of the forestry industry, and can provide a base for Nanlin’s technology implementation and industrialization. Both sides can learn from each other's strengths and jointly promote development.

This trip to Nanjing Forestry University made us deeply realize that knowledge has no boundaries and innovation is unlimited. With this harvest and inspiration, we will continue to explore and move forward on the road of innovative floor coating.

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