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2022-07-21 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Craft technology | Things about Grace craftsmanship

Wood is a material often used in daily life.

Compare metal and plastic,

Exudes a warmer atmosphere,

That unique texture,

It often makes people feel comfortable and relaxed.


Looking at the current home furnishing market, the color trend of home furnishings is gradually returning to nature. People are paying more and more attention to highlighting the rustic texture of wood, paying attention to the natural environmental protection of wood, and hope to use the harmonious tone of wood to bring a simple but not simple style to the home.

To embody this style, Grace is undoubtedly the best choice.

Grace is a translucent to transparent pigment colorant that allows the color to penetrate into the pores of the wood, making the overall color of the base material harmonious, natural, and layered. It can fully demonstrate the advantages of wood grain, and can also be used to The wood surface creates a soft shadow contrast effect.

Grace Craftsmanship


Grace process is a water-based + UV color process that prefers gray and simple style and can improve the utilization rate and value of substrates.


Originated from American furniture coatinging, it is often used in NC coating due to its characteristics of thick, soft, natural and layered colors. It was first used in American furniture exported to the United States.



With changes in floor coating processes and changes in market demand, the special style of Grace has gradually become popular in the flooring industry. In addition to the good visual effect, the most important reason is that the Grace process does not have high requirements for the base material grade. A, B, and C grades can be used, which can solve the current problem of increasingly scarce wood resources. Therefore, many flooring manufacturers have begun to promote Grace technology.


1/ The color style is modern and simple, in line with the modern popular home decoration style

2/ Improved the use width and utilization rate of base materials

3/ Give flooring products higher added value


Disadvantages & Problems

1/ Single color, complex process, and difficult production control

2/ Compared with other processes, it requires more labor

3/ Has application and performance problems such as popping spots, white ends, and discoloration.

Due to the above-mentioned shortcomings and problems in actual production, the Grace process was upgraded and the machine-made Grace process was produced.

The difference between machine beating and hand rubbing

1/ color effect

Hand-rubbed has a stronger sense of layering and is not dull; machine-knitted colors are even and clean, with relatively small changes in layers, making it more suitable for light-colored products but not for dark-colored products.

2/ Operation

Hand wiping requires manual labor, and the ends will appear white; machine wiping is more efficient, the quality is more stable, and the overall cost is lower.


required products

Water-based white base, cross-linking agent, Grace base, Grace color, UV coating

Basic process steps

1/ Sanding of plain board

2/ Beat the water-based white base (covering or semi-covering the base material) until dry and sand it (a water-based cross-linking agent needs to be added to the water-based white base)

3/ Machine-dispensed water-based color polish

4/ UV adhesion primer

5/ UV wear-resistant primer

6/ UV sanding primer or UV hardening primer

7/ UV topcoat



1/ Adding cross-linking agent to water-based white base will cause reaction, so prepare it and use it immediately to prevent gelation.

2/ The drying of water-based white background is greatly affected by the thickness of the coating film, temperature and humidity. If the drying is not good, problems such as sticking will occur.

3/ The finished board will have the problem of discoloration. Grace color paste has better weather resistance, and UV coating should pay attention to its resistance to yellowing.

4/ Wood species with a lot of pigments will bleed in the later stage, so a closed base should be used

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