
Current Location:Home > Annual Meeting ...

2024-02-03 Source:

Annual Meeting Special - "Steady as we go", "Towards the future".

From 29th to 30th January, 2024, Himonia Floor Finish Division held the 2023 Annual Summation Conference and 2024 Annual Ceremony at the company's headquarter, marking the completion of another round of our glorious journey and the opening of a whole new chapter at the same time.

Innovation without end, market first

Technology and R&D Exchange Meeting

In the technology and R&D exchange meeting in the morning of 29th January, we deeply analysed the relationship between the products and the market in 2023, and adjusted the products according to the customer's demand. At the same time, each R&D department launched the new product cultivation plan and R&D direction for 2024, andWe are committed to creating more value for our customers.

We will go forward to create another brilliant future.

On the same day, at the annual summary meeting of Floor Finish Division, General Manager Ji Maojun clarified the work direction and strategic deployment for the new year; leaders of each department reported their work achievements and future plans. Looking back to 2023, in the face of the complex and changing economic situation and industry challenges.Our team demonstrated a tenacious spirit of hard work and achieved many challenging goals.In 2024, we aim to: continue to plough into the floor coating market, launch innovative products, increase market share and provide excellent service.

                                                                                                                 Speech by General Manager Ji Maojun

                                                                                                                        Speech by Mr Jiang Yixin, Director

Let's reload and meet the challenges with firm conviction and full of enthusiasm. We will continue to write a more brilliant chapter with perseverance, passionate endeavour and progressive mindset.

Unity and Progress Celebration

On the evening of 30th January 2024, Himonia family members gathered together to share the joy and witness the glory, set sail from the "heart" and fly towards the light!

                                                                                                                     Himonia family members signing in

                                                                                                                                           Game session

                                                                                                                                       Raffle Draw

2024-Annual Meeting Ceremony ended successfully!

Looking back to 2023, we will join hands to make progress together!

Looking forward to 2024, we will have the opportunity to strive for a win-win future!

The mountain is high and the road is far, but the scenery is boundless!

We have travelled far and wide, but we will not change our way forward!

Let's look forward to the new journey in 2024!

Let's take the momentum and move forward!

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