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2024-03-08 Source:

Himonia UV invisible anti-counterfeiting technology - to create a new standard of authenticity in the flooring industry.

Why do I need security markings on my flooring?

★Brand Protection

Anti-counterfeit marking is a means of protecting a brand's reputation and intellectual property. By using anti-counterfeiting technology, manufacturers can reduce 

the negative impact of counterfeit and pirated productson their brand image and maintain the quality and reputation of their products. This is essential to maintain 

the brand's market competitiveness and enhance its brand image.

★Consumer Trust

Anti-counterfeit marking helps build consumer trust in the authenticity of products. Consumers are often more willing to choose products that can be verified for 

authenticity when purchasing, and anti-counterfeiting marks provide a convenient way to do so. This helps to increase consumers' willingness to buy and

 improve brand loyalty.

★Product Traceability

Anti-counterfeiting labelling not only verifies the authenticity of a product, but also provides information on the traceability of the product. This is essential for

product recalls, quality management and meeting regulations and standards. Through product traceability, manufacturers can better understand product quality

issues and take timely measures for improvement.

★Enhance product quality

Flooring products with anti-counterfeiting marks can give consumers a sense of higher quality and credibility, thus increasing the grade and added value of the 

 product. This is an important role in enhancing brand imageand improving market competitiveness.

By what way to achieve the anti-counterfeiting effect?

■Design pattern

According to the needs and logo of the brand, design the desired pattern such as brand logo, batch number, etc. on the transfer roller.

■Use anti-counterfeit coat

Choose UV-Invisible Anti-counterfeit Oil Series (FW-928000) developed by Jiangsu Himonia Technology Co., Ltd. This kind of coat not only has the function of 

anti-counterfeiting, but also ensures that the appearance and performance of the flooring will not be affected.

■Roller Coating Printing

During the floor coating process, the designed pattern is roller printed onto the floor finish using a transfer roller. This process completes the addition of the

 anti-counterfeiting pattern.

How can I recognise a security mark?

In order to recognise these invisible patterns, a specific UV identification lamp is used. When UV light with a wavelength of 365nm is shone on the floor, the invisible

patterns will be revealed, thus verifying the authenticityof the floor. This method of identification is simple and easy to use, and can effectively help consumers and 

manufacturers identify genuine flooring and prevent the circulation of counterfeit products.

This flooring anti-counterfeiting method not only enhances brand protection and increases consumer trust in the product, but also helps maintain market order and 

a fair competitive environment. Meanwhile, the applicationof UV-Invisible Anti-counterfeiting Oil Series (FW-928000) developed by Jiangsu Himonia Technology Co.

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