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2022-12-07 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Himonia Classic | A powerful tool for coatinging wooden doors after repeated trials, water-based color correction base

Himonia Technology

Leader in environmentally friendly coating for wood products

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Himonia people focus on

Research, development and application of environmentally friendly surface treatment technology

To provide customers with highly competitive

Green and environmentally friendly coating solutions are our responsibility

Seize market opportunities

Leading industrial upgrading with innovative technologies and products

Over the years, we have persisted in “addition” to quality.

Improve sector quality and efficiency

After several years of market precipitation

Himonia has accumulated a number of classic products

Best-selling for many years, rave reviews

Empowering enterprises for high-quality development

Today let’s get closer to the “Himonia Technology” business unit

Bringing you some classic products in the wood product surface coating industry

01 WX1200B water-based color correction base



It dries quickly, has good construction operability, and has good compatibility with most water-based and oil-based color essences; it does not bite the bottom, does not spit out color, and has good adhesion on water-based and oil-based bottoms.

scenes to be used

The field of wood products varnish spray coloring and coating, mainly furniture, wooden doors, etc.


development phase

The research and development of this product started in 2015, mainly to solve the problems of "oil-to-water" wooden door coating machine spray coloring construction, poor operability (uneven color repair, easy to bloom), insufficient water resistance or poor adhesion on UV substrate.

Water-based color correction not only plays the role of "connecting the previous and the following" in the coatinging process, but also plays the role of "beautifying" and unifying the color tone. It is an extremely critical link in spraying construction operations. Its construction operability directly affects production efficiency, and its color and essence compatibility and adhesion directly affect the quality of the product. This problem has long been a "stumbling block" to water-based wood coatings.

Since our company launched the "oil-to-water" project for wooden door coatings in 2015, we have focused on solving this problem. After more than a year of research and development and repeated online testing, we finally succeeded in batch online testing and went into production in the second half of 2016. Subsequently, the products were used in large quantities in "Nature" and "Mengtian", the leading domestic wooden door companies.



After 6 years of market tempering and testing, WX1200B water-based color correction base material has become a classic product among our company's wooden door coatinging products, and it is also an indispensable coatinging tool for wooden door coatinging (varnish).

market feedback

The product has been highly recognized by customers since it was launched in batches in 2016, and has often become an emergency product for competitive customers in extreme weather (low temperature and high humidity) or abnormal adhesion. The monthly sales volume was more than 15 tons.


02 Haida Technology


It is a leading domestic UV coating company for wooden floors, with an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons. Its sales scale far exceeds that of its domestic and foreign counterparts. Its technical strength ranks among the best in the world. It has a number of world-leading technical achievements and manufactures wooden floors for most well-known domestic brands. core strategic partners.

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