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2023-03-21 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

3.21 World Forest Day | Himonia Bio-based UV Wood Wax Oil Products

"World Forest Day" was initiated by Spain at the Tenerive Island Conference of the European Agricultural Union in 1971 and was unanimously adopted. In November of the same year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) officially confirmed it, and the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21 each year as the International Day of Forests (International Forest Day). Day of Forests).

The theme of the International Day of Forests in 2023 is "Forests and Health". It is our responsibility to protect these precious natural resources.


Wood is one of the oldest materials used by humans. It is also the only renewable biological resource among the four major materials (steel, cement, wood, and plastics) that can be used and recycled multiple times. Human beings have begun to use wood since they emerged from the forest. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, wood still plays a great role in human daily life.

Wood has excellent environmentally friendly properties and the following advantages:

❶ Wood is the cleanest, renewable and sustainable resource

❷ Low energy consumption and low pollution during wood processing and production

❸ Wood can be reused

❹ Wood is a reservoir of carbon

People have a natural affinity for wood. Its unique fragrance, color, quality, grain and other characteristics are cherished by people. It is widely used in construction, furniture, flooring and other working and living environments. As wood used for flooring, in order to make it more visually and tactilely diverse and to extend its service life, we will coating the wood. Among the existing wood floor finishing materials, UV (ultraviolet light) curing coating is the main one. Supplement with small amounts of oil and water-based coating products.

The raw materials of UV coatings come from derivatives of petrochemical products and are non-renewable resources. We combined the characteristics of UV coatings and oil products to develop a new coating product - bio-based UV wood wax oil. Has the following advantages:

❶ Bio-based materials are used in raw materials, which are renewable and sustainable

❷ High coating efficiency

❸ The product has good wettability, high fullness and strong oily feel

❹ The coating film feels delicate and soft

❺ Thin coating process can better reflect the natural texture of wood, making people feel comfortable and warm


Construction technology:

Sanding treatment of plain board → Bio-based UV wood wax base oil → UV lamp curing → 320# sandpaper polishing → Bio-based UV wood wax base oil → UV lamp curing → 400# sandpaper polishing → Bio-based UV wood wax top oil → UV lamp Curing → bio-based UV wood wax surface oil → UV lamp curing → closing the board.


Forests are the basis for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the entire national economy and are closely related to people's lives and survival. Human beings need to protect forests. Jiangsu Himonia focuses on the research, development and application of environmentally friendly surface treatment technology. In terms of products, we will continue to pay attention to the concept of sustainable development!

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