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2023-03-29 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Himonia News | New Product Release!New UV anti-viral coatings


Traveling with the virus

How else can we fight the virus?

The progress of human civilization has always been accompanied by the fight against viruses

The novel coronavirus epidemic that has been raging for three years

brought huge disasters to mankind

Caused huge social impact and economic losses around the world

The menacing influenza virus

It makes people more aware that viruses are everywhere

Anti-mildew, antibacterial, antiviral

In recent years, it has become the focus and hot spot of people's attention

Its application in coatings has also received unprecedented attention

It is expected that between 2020 and 2026

The compound annual growth rate of global antibacterial and antiviral coatings will be as high as about 10%


Kaitian UV "anti-viral coating"

R&D mechanism

"Anti-viral coating" is an acrylic UV-cured topcoat, with special anti-viral substance nanoparticles added to the UV topcoat.

This substance is a multifunctional, environmentally friendly, highly active inorganic material with anti-infrared, ultraviolet and anti-viral functions. This product has extremely high safety, meets the requirements for food material contact addition, has high safety, good thermal stability, no volatilization, no secondary pollution, non-toxic and harmless.


Kaitian UV "anti-viral coating"

Principle of action


Nanoparticles contact the surface of the bacterial film, causing damage to the bacterial cells. Eventually, the bacteria die due to cell wall rupture or loss of reproduction and regeneration ability.


Nanoparticles have high exciton binding energy, which is much higher than room temperature thermal ionization energy. They can stimulate the emission of ultraviolet light under low activation at room temperature or under no light conditions. They both shield ultraviolet rays and can emit ultraviolet rays themselves. Light kills germs and viruses.


Nanoparticles have selective toxicity and good biocompatibility, and can effectively kill bacteria and viruses without significant impact on normal cells.


When used as a photocatalyst, nanometer-sized semiconductor oxides have high chemical oxidation activity and can oxidize various organic pollutants that are difficult to degrade by biological oxidation methods, destroy their molecular structures, and ultimately oxidize them into inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide and water, making the It degrades completely.


Kaitian UV "anti-viral coating"

implementation process

The implementation process of this series of products is simple. You only need to apply the product on the surface of the object to be coated, and the coating amount is 12-16g/㎡


Kaitian UV "anti-viral coating"

Performance Testing

The anti-virus properties of this series of products can effectively inhibit a variety of viruses, and have been tested by authoritative certification agencies to meet standard requirements.


Living with viruses on earth

An extra layer of protection

More safety and warmth

UV antiviral coatings give you more options

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