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2022-12-15 Source:Jiangsu Haitian Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry | 20 major manufacturing work points, the direction of practice in the coatings industry

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China concluded successfully in Beijing at the end of October this year. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: High-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Based on reality and their own duties, units in all walks of life implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the practical actions of accelerating the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies, persisting in comprehensively deepening reforms, and striving to achieve green and low-carbon transformation, and continue to demonstrate in promoting high-quality development new act.


In response to several development priorities mentioned at the opening conference, how should the coating industry face development, iteration and innovation? This is the top priority that every "coating person" needs to seriously study and think about and implement solidly:

Adhere to green and high-quality development

Strengthen core technology breakthroughs

Strengthen the training of technical talents

1 Green and low-carbon embrace high-quality development


The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important period for carbon peaking. Carbon emissions must be peaked before 2030 and carbon neutrality achieved before 2060. Carbon emissions from the entire construction process account for about 51% of the country's total carbon emissions. Building materials production Stage is one of the important areas of carbon reduction.

With the rapid development of my country's economy and society, people's demand for a better home life is constantly increasing. It should not only be spacious, clean and comfortable, but also green, healthy, environmentally friendly and low-carbon. The introduction of green building materials to the countryside carries the people's hope for a healthy and better life.

As a traditional basic industry, the coatings industry has problems such as high energy consumption, high emissions, and overcapacity. Compared with traditional solvent-based coatings, environmentally friendly coatings have the advantages of less resource and energy consumption and less environmental pollution. We actively promote new types of coatings. Green, environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly coatings are of great significance and value to the implementation of ecological civilization construction and national policies of energy conservation and emission reduction.

The development of environmentally friendly coatings will help improve the quality of rural low-carbon "infrastructure" and green "life", support consumers in "updating" and "replacing" green building materials products, stimulate urban and rural home building materials consumption, and thus improve my country's economic cycle system , realize an important part of the rural revitalization strategy as soon as possible.

2 Breakthrough in core technologies and improve supply network


In terms of technological development, the current circulation within the coatings industry is not smooth, and some "stuck" key core technologies are controlled by others, such as high-end industrial equipment coatings, high-performance special resins, additives, etc.

Failure to make breakthroughs in these technologies will inevitably pose a threat to the development of my country's high-end equipment and defense industry. Upstream supply chain capabilities need to be improved urgently. The consumer market’s supply demand for coating companies continues to increase, and the current supply Chain innovation is insufficient, and we need to speed up layout and improve the supply chain network.

Encouraged by policies, coatings companies should persist in technological innovation and become specialized and innovative companies. Continuously improve the innovation mechanism and break through key technologies; build a healthy competitive atmosphere with innovation as the core. Adhere to green development and support the "double carbon" goal. The building materials industry has ushered in a new era of green innovation and development, focusing on "green manufacturing" and achieving all-round green transformation. Use digital economy and green consumption to better promote "dual circulation"; enhance brand influence and establish an international image of a national brand.

3. Talent cultivation is an urgent priority


"In the coating industry, three parts 'material' and seven parts 'construction', the rapid upgrading of coating products requires matching professional construction skills. The shortage of highly skilled talents and the increasingly serious aging of coating skills personnel will all Restricting the high-quality development of the coatings industry."

The current state attaches great importance to vocational skills training, which shows that reserving talents for the market is a national strategy; when it comes to the coatings market, in the future, companies will definitely use "service to win" and reserve skilled talents to cater to the expanding needs of the market. It plays a co-frequency resonance role in market development, so that the expansion of the market size may be greater than expected.

Without talents, there is no vitality. Instead of following the trend and increasing wages and increasing costs, it is better to use the saved high poaching expenses for team building, corporate culture shaping, and explore the internal cycle of talent cultivation. Maybe it can go further in the long run.

"The high-quality development of manufacturing industry is the top priority for the high-quality development of my country's economy. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward: 'Building a modern industrial system' and insisting on focusing on the real economy for economic development', which gives us The work points the way.

After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is held, the economy will have more room for development, and the policy of green building materials in villages and towns will be implemented more quickly. The development of the coating industry will also enter a new fast lane. In the next five years and even longer, the national The goals, tasks and major policies for career development have been set, and we in the coatings industry should make unremitting efforts and struggle for this!

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