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2024-04-18 Source:

Jiangsu Himonia ‖ Floor Coating Division 2024 Zhejiang Taizhou trip

Spring breeze, everything is recovering. In this season full of vitality and energy, Jiangsu Himonia Floor Coating Division ushered in the group 

building activities trip - 2024 Zhejiang Taizhou trip. 12 April, we embarked on this journey full of laughter and warm memories, with three days, 

to feel the charm of nature, release the pressure of the work, and enhance the cohesion of the team. Cohesion.


Day 1: Bonfire party, BBQ and expansion games, multi-talented show style

 With the descent of the night, we ushered in the first day of the group building activities. In the bonfire party, the burning flame reflected our smiling faces, 

we shared each other's stories and talked about our future dreams. Barbecue BBQ session even pushed the atmosphere to the climax, with fragrant food and

 mingling scenes, which made us feel like being in a big family.

 Expansion games fully demonstrated the versatility of the team members. Whether it was intellectual challenges or physical competitions, we all actively 

participated and gave full play to our own strengths, just to complete the goal. These activities not only exercised our body, but also enhanced the friendship 

and trust between us.

 Day 2: Touring the Taizhou Prefectural City Walls and the Divine Immortal Residence, 

experiencing the beauty of history and nature

 Played the Taizhou Prefecture City Wall which is full of historical traces. This ancient city wall has witnessed the historical changes of Taizhou, strolling on it, 

as if you can hear the echo of the years.

 Afterwards, we came to the beautiful scenery of the Divine Fairy Residence. Between the green mountains and the green water, we seemed to be in a paradise 

beyond the world. Here, we felt the nature's ghostly craftsmanship. Facing the steep mountain road, we always took care of each other and supported each other

 to go forward, and the road was full of laughter. This spirit of solidarity is the embodiment of our team cohesion.


Day 3: Taking a rainy trip to Tiantai Mountain Waterfall and visiting the thousand-year-old Guoching Temple

 The third day of the trip was met with sudden heavy rain, but we did not give up. We braved the heavy rain and insisted on swimming through the spectacular 

Tiantai Mountain Falls. As the ancients said: "Chicheng Xia rose and built a standard, waterfalls flow to the boundary road", the magnificent scenery of this waterfall 

let us linger.

After descending the mountain, we continued to visit Guoqing Temple, which was built in the Sui Dynasty. This thousand-year-old temple is serene and solemn, 

allowing us to feel the weight of history and cultural heritage. Here, we prayed together, wishing the team a wider and better road ahead.

 Reunion tour, cohesion, injecting new vitality

 This group building tour not only let us temporarily free from the busy work, feel the breath of spring, visit the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, but also 

let us enhance the friendship and trust in each other's co-operation. In the face of steep mountain paths and heavy rain, we always maintained an optimistic mindset 

and a spirit of solidarity, and together we completed this unforgettable journey.

 In this healing spring day, we felt the warmth of nature together, released the pressure of the soul, and shared happiness and laughter. For our team injected new vitality 

and power, in the coming days, we will continue to work together to create a more brilliant tomorrow!

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