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2024-07-20 Source:

Himonia Floor Coating Case || How can I make a lighter colour effect with a black walnut "darker shade board"?

This case study will show how Himonia was able to convert a dark coloured black walnut discolouration board into a lighter effect, while ensuring the feasibility of high volume production.

The benchmark sample was a lighter coloured, warm black walnut floor.However, the black walnut plain boards produced in large quantities are dark in colour and the boards have mixed colours.How do you solve the problem of large quantities being produced in the same way as the samples?

Facing this challenge, Himonia technicians solved it with their senior finishing experience.

1. Reduce the colour difference When water-based colouring, using Himonia WD3010R instead of conventional water-based, it can effectively weaken the colour difference, and make the darker board surface lighter.

2. Easy to operate When using Himonia WD3010R plus colour for painting, the sponge roller + rubber roller colouring, bristle brush with less water, easy to operate.

The warm colour floor made by Himonia WD3010R solves the problem of deep colour and big colour difference of the plain board, and it has certain colour preservation effect, and the board surface has good translucency.At the same time, it is easy to brush and easy to operate.

Himonia WD3010R has a colour retention effect compared to conventional UV waterborne.

Himonia WD3010R compared with water-based colour preservation agent, it is a little more operable, there is a certain effect of colour preservation, suitable for some of the lower requirements of colour preservation needs.

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