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2024-06-21 Source:

Jiangsu Himonia 2024 New Product - Waterborne Anti-scratch Ultra-matte Top Coat


Jiangsu Himonia Technology Co., Ltd. 2024 New Product Recommendation - "Waterborne Scratch Resistant Super Matte Top Coat".With its anti-scratch and ultra-matte characteristics, this product harvested a wave of favorable comments from domestic and foreign markets at the Shanghai Flooring Exhibition in May.Today, let's get to know the charm of this product.

Why water-based anti-scratch ultra-matte finish is highly regarded?

As we all know, water-based paint has a unique advantage in showing the natural texture of wood.Jiangsu Himonia launched the "water-based anti-scratch ultra-matte finish" not only retains the traditional water-based paint highlights the natural texture of wood this advantage, but also in the performance of breakthroughs, to achieve the anti-scratch effect, to solve the common problem of scratching the floor of the ordinary water-based paint coating, but also for the high-end flooring products to provide a new choice.


What is the scratch resistance of this waterborne finish?

For a product that claims to be scratch-resistant, how it performs in practice is naturally a major concern.The waterborne Scratch Resist Ultra Matte Top Coat has been rigorously tested for scratch resistance and has shown excellent resistance to scratches in real life applications.Even if you use sharp nails to scrape the surface of the paint, the surface of the paint film remains smooth and scratch-free.

Can it meet diversified process needs?

For flooring factories, the ability to meet the diversity of floor coating processes is an important consideration.This waterborne scratch-resistant ultra-matte topcoat meets the needs of different processes thanks to its wide applicability.Whether it is a flat or brushed open process, it can easily handle and present a good finish.In the picture below, for example, the topcoat shows good scratch resistance in the flat process, while maintaining the aesthetics of the board.

In the next issue, we will show you "Waterborne Scratch Resistant Ultra Matte Top Coat".

Scratch-resistant performance in the brushed open process

Stay tuned!

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